Direction (Qs.1-5): The following sentences form a paragraph. The first and the fourth sentences of the paragraph are given. The rest of the sentences are alphabetized as (P), (Q), (R), (S) and (T). These five parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and choose the alternative that arranges them in the correct order.

(1)   Socialist feminism rose in the 1960s and 1970s as an offshoot of the feminist movement and

       New Left that focuses upon the interconnectivity of the patriarchy and capitalism

(P)  Socialist feminism is a two-pronged theory that broadens Marxist feminism’s argument for the role of capitalism in the oppression of women and radical in the oppression of women and     radical feminism’s theory of the role of gender and the patriarchy.

(Q)  Socialist feminists argue that liberation can only be achieved by working to end both the economic and cultural sources of women’s oppression.

(R)   They are subjects to the male rulers in capitalism due to an uneven balance in wealth

(4)    Socialist feminists reject radical feminism’s main claim that patriarchy is the only or primary source of oppression of women.

(S)   They see economic dependence as the driving force of women’s subjugation to men

(T)   Rather, socialist feminists assert that women are unable to be free due to their financial dependence on males.

Question No : 1

Which of the following is the SECOND sentence after arrangement?

(1) P    

(2) Q   

(3) R   

(4) S    

(5) T

Question No : 2

Which of the following is the THIRD sentence after arrangement?

(1) P    

(2) Q   

(3) R   

(4) S    

(5) T

Question No : 3

Which of the following is the FIFTH sentence after arrangement?

(1) P    

(2) Q   

(3) R   

(4) S    

(5) T

Question No : 4

Which of the following is the SIXTH sentence after arrangement?

(1) P    

(2) Q   

(3) R   

(4) S    

(5) T

Question No : 5

Which of the following is the SEVENTH sentence after arrangement?

(1) P    

(2) Q   

(3) R   

(4) S    

(5) T